quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2012

2001 Unemployment rates in UK!!!

The graph demonstrates the percentage of unemployment in the year of 2001 in the UK is also divided by ethnic group and gender and has as source the Office for National Statistics. The chart indicates the percentage of Bangladeshi was the higher average, and was upward the twenty per cent for women. In general the averages of men unemployed were above the number of women, but Indian and Pakistani, which the percentage remained constant. Another pattern that leaps to the eye is the fact of Unemployment rates rose up the five percent, only the white Ethnic rate was below or in the same percentage. Another pattern, were the Mixed, other Asian, Black Caribbean, Black African and Other Ethnics increased slightly almost in the same way for men and women, which men group were majority in rates of unemployment between 5% and 15%.

sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012

Brazil about to overtake UK as world's sixth biggest economy

The graph demonstrates the total gross domestic product by billions of the sixth biggest economy in the world, divided by years and a forecast. In general Countries lift but japan. Germany, France, UK and Brazil rose slightly until the late-2000s recession that began in December, 2007 and ended in September of 2008. The Recession has also affected United States and China that was increasing dramatically, US furthermore plunged in 2008 but after that it has increased rapidly. Japan fluctuates from 2000 to 2008, but after 2009 it went up a little and must end 2012 above the 5,000 Billion. In another hand, Brazil increase slightly from 2000 to 2007. In 2008 the GDP remained the same, but after that year it has rose sharply evening the GDP of UK. The GDP of Brazil should be appearing among the biggest GDP due to the size of the territory and his capacity of production, compared to smaller countries.

quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012

Summarize the information, compare the graphs, report the main features.

The Graph demonstrates that are more UK residents visiting overseas than are overseas residents visiting UK from 1982 to 2002. Moreover, the UK residents spend more nights visiting overseas than the other group. In fact, at the twenty years demonstrated in the graph, the number of nights spent travelling by UK residents never fell below ten nights. It decreased slightly from round thirteen to ten nights. It also reveal the dramatically rise of UK residents travelling overseas from twenty millions to sixty millions from 1982 to 2002.  On the other hand, the number of foreign residents visiting UK has rose slightly, it also fluctuate between 1997 to 2002 ending going up a little. The average of nights spend by overseas residents fluctuate a lot but always decreasing slightly by twelve to eight nights from 1982 to 2002. The superior number of UK residents travelling and the average time spent during their travels compared to the number and period by overseas residents demonstrate that UK people travel more and for more time, it can reflect the good financial moment in the years studied in the UK.
Graphs at the page 19 - Unit 1 (IELTS MASTERCLASS BOOK)

quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2012

Brazil and India – Similarities and differences between both countries.

Members of the economic group BRICK, Brazil and India have more similarities than the eyes can see. There are also a lot of differences, but both countries are between the largest countries in the planet, and their importance to the development of the economy in the world is incontestable.

To begin with the similarities, in both countries there are many natural assets. For example, Brazil has a rich biodiversity in the rainforest while India has a different biodiversity in Himalaya but as big as Brazil’s. They have several religious diversities as in Brazil. In India we have four big religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism while in Brazil we have most part of the population following Roman Catholicism, but there are also a lot of different religions, like Protestantism, Kardecist spiritism, Afro-Brazilian religions, Buddhism, Judaism Islam. Brazil and India are either in the most populous countries or the largest countries.

About the differences, India has a curious factor, even the inequality between classes is similar in both countries, India has a lower rate of violence due the religious beliefs while Brazil suffers with the lack of punishment from their government. Another difference with Brazil is the problem related to the neighbor’s countries which there are intolerance about religion and the creation of some conflicts and terrorist attacks.

Neither Brazil nor India has enough experience to be an economic power, but they are growing and someday those two nations can teach a lot of lessons to the world. Maybe someday we can live in peace and with harmony between existence and development.

quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012

The Different ways to talk.

One of the manly pillars of mankind is to communicate! How to survive in a world that nobody can understand anyone or anything?! Some people blame God for this event, when men built the Babel Tower, in order to stay near God. This has irritated the All Mighty and He, in His furious moment punished those men giving them the inability of talking with each other.
It might be (apart of the religious version), probably a problem of migration, when man were nomads and had to walk to different places looking for food. After this man learned how to plant and wait to crop. I think somewhere in evolution history, the speech ability was developed as well.
Nowadays, men study foreign languages, for different proposes: to work, to have some fun, to  travel for another country, etc. The manly language in our actual world is English, but how we live in a planet where countries were colonized by other, and older countries, we have a lot of dialects, and different accents around the planet.
In England they speak English like in United States, which is the country responsible for English became the manly language of the planet, but in England there is a lot of different words and accents .Here are some examples of slang and words that I found in the web.
"Bollocks - This is a great English word with many excellent uses. Technically speaking it means testicles but is typically used to describe something that is no good (that's bollocks) or that someone is talking rubbish (he's talking bollocks). Surprisingly it is also used in a positive manner to describe something that is the best, in which case you would describe it as being "the dog's bollocks". Englishmen who live in America take great delight in ordering specialized registration plates for their cars using the letters B.O.L.L.O.X. Good eh?   
Bloody - One of the most useful swear words in English. Mostly used as an exclamation of surprise i.e. "bloody hell" or "bloody nora". Something may be "bloody marvelous" or "bloody awful". It is also used to emphasize almost anything, "you're bloody mad", "not bloody likely" and can also be used in the middle of other words to emphasize them. E.g. "Abso-bloody-lutely"! Americans should avoid saying "bloody" as they sound silly.
Bottle - Something you have after twenty pints of lager and a curry. A lotta bottle! This means courage. If you have a lotta bottle you have no fear.

Bugger - This is another fairly unique word with no real American equivalent. Like bloody it has many uses apart from the obvious dictionary one pertaining to rather unusual sexual habits. My father was always shouting "bugger" when he was working in the garage or garden. Usually when he hit his thumb or dropped a nail or lost something.

Chat up - To chat someone up is to try and pick them up. If you spotted a scrummy girly in a bar you might try to chat her up.
Fancy - If you fancy something then it means you desire it. There are two basic forms in common use - food and people. If you fancy a cake for example it means you like the look of it and you want to eat it. If you see someone of (hopefully) the opposite sex then you might fancy them if you liked the look of them and wanted to get to know them a little better!!!

Knackered - The morning after twenty pints and the curry, you'd probably feel knackered. Another way to describe it is to say you feel shagged. Basically worn out, good for nothing, tired out, knackered.

Porkies - Cockney rhyming slang. Short for "porky pies", meaning "pork pies". Rhymes with lies. My Mum always used to tell me I was telling porkies! And she was right! "

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